Thursday, February 16, 2012

What if it's me? What if it's not?

For anyone who has been trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully for over a year (under 35 years old) or over 6 months (over 35 years old) both partners should get checked out...but sometimes, that is such a hard step to take. Some people are almost afraid to find out why taking temperatures, knowing the signs, and lots of sex don't work.

Many women assume it is them, while men assume that they are the reason that they are not getting two lines on a pregnancy test. Someone is going to feel at fault in their heart until there is a diagnosis, but there should be no finger pointing and no one should feel at fault. If it's a male fertility issue or a female one does not and should not matter, it is simply a fertility issue and it is something you and your spouse should work through together.

I have some dear friends who have been off of birth control for a few years, who have timed, temped, vacationed, relaxed, stressed, tested, and all of the stuff that people do after trying for sometime but they have not gone to see a Dr. yet...

They need to go see a Dr. They need to get everything checked out. You never know...the problem maybe something so easily fixable that it wouldn't take drastic measure to be able to hold that bundle of pure joy in your arms soon...or it might be a really tough journey ahead. There is no telling though, until you go get checked out. Both of you.

What could it hurt to find out? Probably nothing, unless one of you is willing to let it hurt your pride, your ego. If one person believes that it is their "fault" it will hurt...and I totally "get" that. I feel like it is my "fault" sometimes that I can't get pregnant...even though I know I had nothing to do with the medical situation I am in...

Bottom line...go get checked!

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