Thursday, March 17, 2011

Before & During photo -

I wasn't going to do this, but why not...I refuse to say it's before & AFTER pics, because I'm not done yet, but here is a pic of me from not that long ago...with one taken today. I don't have the same green shirt, but these are the same pants, I think (I had to hold them up, but it works because my arm is in the same angle as holding the beer). So, this is 40lbs gone and I want to lose AT LEAST another 20. My goal in this, besides looking better and feeling, is to hopefully improve my chances of getting pregnant.


  1. WOW!! You look great Ericka. Keep going I know you can do it. By the way I like my poka dot shirt in the pic. I know where this was taken.LOL

  2. You look awesome! Way to go! You can see soo much of a difference in the before and after!! Great job cant wait to see what your next photo will be when you meet your next goal. You can do it !!

  3. Great job! I also think you look better and younger by just wearing clothes that hug your curves and waist as opposed to loose fitting clothes as they just add pds. Amazing job and hoping you'll inspire me...I want to lose the 20pds I've gained over the last 2.5 yrs!

  4. You are doing WICKED AWESOME, Ericka! So proud of you! :-)

  5. Thank you everyone! Encouragement is always nice!
